What is Business Process Management System

What is Business Process Management System (BPM)

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A Business Process Management System (BPMS) is a platform (normally a SaaS) that manages and automates well-defined business processes. It creates an infrastructure that enhances company agility, making work faster and easier. BPM involves modeling, automation, execution, control, measurement, and optimization of business activity flows to support enterprise goals across systems, employees, customers, and partners. CRM , Booking System, Human Resource Management System , can all be regarded as part of the Business Process Management System.

What Problem Business Process Management System is going to solves

Inconsisent Business Process

As Murphy’s Law stated , “when something can happen, it will happen”. Whenever there is an inconsistent business process, there is a chance of risk, no matter how little the chance is , as long as you tried enough times, the risk will finally be suffered. As a enterprenuer who run a business, Risk is the synonym of Cost which we should avoid. To standize the Business Process of a business means whenever you provide a same quantity and quality of input, the output of that Business Process will always be the same. This is one of the reasons why a Business Process Management System should exist.

Monotonous Workload

Imagine you are requested from your superior that you have to deliver a Weekly Sales Report to your superior from different platforms including Shopify and Woocommerce. Due to the fact that these 2 platforms are not synchronised and you have to copy and paste the data from the Sales Report from these 2 platforms and consolidate the 2 reports into one and deliver them to your superior. In fact this is a monotonous and trivial data process that in fact brings little value to the company. But it’s inevitable for you to carry out the Task.

Imagine how much time can be saved if there is a system which can be scheduled and automatically synchronise the data from different data sources and consolidate them into 1 report. 

This is the reason why a Business Process Management System should exist in order to automate the work process and bring us better life.

Lack of Tour Guide of the Application Interface.

Do you have the experience that when your company is using a Google (or Excel) Spreadsheet as a CRM which you are responsible to update the record of the clients based on some event triggers , including 

  1. Event 1 – Enquiry Submitted
  2. Event 2 – Sales Order Placed
  3. Event 3 – Coupon Redeemed

While there may be 50 columns in one Google Spreadsheet for each record of a client, each Event may only require you to modify a particular column (i.e. not all columns). 

However, there will be a very long learning curve to memorise the mapping between the 50 columns and the 3 Events. 

Even worse, you will never know the sequence of filling in 10 columns for a particular event.

For example, you may never know you need to fill in the Birthday Field in the CRM before there is a Birthday Coupon shown in the drop down list of the Available Coupon list.

By using a Business Process Management (BPM) System, we can set the conditional logic inside the BPM so that the frontend interface of the system will always guide you what to do next, and hide any fields or buttons that are not suitable for your next move, which can significantly eliminate the time of learning the frontend interface.

Too Many Cooks Spilt The Broth

Have you had the experience that a single Google Spreadsheet is acting as a Client CRM which is shared by 10 Salesperson and 4 departments?

Whenever one sales person is using the Spreadsheet , he may probably apply a record filter so that he only filters the records that are related to him.

Meanwhile, if another sales person wants to use the same Spreadsheet, he may need to deactivate the filters applied by the previous sales person , which means the Spreadsheet cannot be used at the same time by 2 people.

Even worse, if there are 50 columns in the same Spreadsheet. And you can imagine that not all columns are related to all columns. 

For example , the Date of Birth field may not be relevant to the Warehouse department which is only responsible for inbound and outbound sales order.

When one of the staff mistakenly erases the value of a field, no one will have any idea who damages the Spreadsheet and makes the Hygiene Spreadsheet never be good.

How To Build a Business Process Management System (BPM)

In order to build a Business Process Management System, following stacks should be considered:

Business Process Steps

Step as the timeline of the BPM


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