Category: Knowledge Base
Bingo! Theory
Introduction When you search in the internet, although there is many other theory with the same name , Bingo! Theory (remarks : the “!” does matter) is a terminology which is invented by Diamond Digital Marketing to explain the priority of a project go vertically or horizontally. What is Bingo in real life Bingo is…
Marketing Nerual Networking Model
Definition A Neural Network Model, also known as an artificial neural network (ANN), is a type of machine learning model inspired by the structure and function of the human brain. While this model is applied in the Marketing domain, it becomes the Marketing Neural Networking Model. Instead of diving into the intricacy of the mathematical…
Relationship between Human Learning and Data Structure
Abstract Human learning is a complex and on-going process which describes the interaction between the human being and the environement surrounded them, and how they interpret the data and formulate the model to project the world. While it’s worth a whole book to explain it, in this article we only extract the part which related…
Attach File in a Task via linking Google Drive in
Definition While working on a Task in a project, it is very common that either input raw files or output delivering files are needed to work with the Task. It is a must for us to prepare a central storage where we can store the project files while satisfying the access rights concern. Meanwhile, after…